SA: Times Square

Ascent to Times Square
Photographed June 5, 2010

Times Square has made a significant transition from x-rated retail to national brand retail.  Though cleaner and safer, Times Square's current criticism is a similar criticism to suburbia:  anywhere USA, and more apt for Times Square, anywhere World.

The strength of this argument is easily viewed by the surplus of billboards, neon signs and LCD screens along the path of Times Square.  The argument of sameness is further supported by Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown and Steven Izenhour when they discuss the success of this type of signage and advertisement along the Las Vegas strip in, "Learning from Las Vegas".

Times Square
Photographed June 12, 2010

Times Square is partially a successful social space.  While there are some opportunities for seating along the secondary arteries that abut shops, the primary artery is a passageway meant for pedestrians to walk through rather than stop and experience.  

Times Square's first priority should be to become a successful plaza which can be accomplished with the inclusion of blunt iconography and technology.  Though in a noticeable state of transition, the plaza would benefit from: more layers, both physical and allegorical, attention to aesthetic unity without hindering diversity and spatial definition without over design.  A tree canopy with minimal diffused sunlight would reinforce the pedestrian scale and retain natural lighting, seating within the primary artery would calm the pace of traffic and food vendors forming a connection to passersby and seated individuals would encourage congregation.  Additionally, a prominent water feature and intentional views would better frame the plaza.